在此特別提醒用戶認真閱讀、充分理解本《軟件許可及服務協議》(下稱《協議》)--- 用戶應認真閱讀、充分理解本《協議》中各條款,包括免除或者限制本産品團隊責任的免責條款及對用戶的權利限制條款。請您審慎閱讀並選擇接受或不接受本《協議》(未成年人應在法定監護人陪同下閱讀)。除非您接受本《協議》所有條款,否則您無權下載、安裝或使用本産品及其相關服務。您的下載、安裝、使用、帳號獲取和登錄等行爲將視爲對本《協議》的接受,並同意接受本《協議》各項條款的約束。
二. 知識産權聲明
3.未經本産品團隊書面同意,用戶不得對本産品産品進行反向工程(Reverse engineer)、反向編譯(Decompile)或反彙編(Disassemble),本産品團隊保留追究上述未經許可行爲的權利。
三. 本産品授權範圍
四. 使用須知
1. 用戶必須自行配備電腦設備及手機等無線手持終端上網和使用電信增值業務所需的設備,自行負擔電腦設備及個人手機等無線手持終端上網或第三方(包括但不限于電信或移動通信提供商)收取的通訊費、信息費等有關費用。如涉及電信增值服務的,我們建議您與您的電信增值服務提供商確認相關的費用問題。
2. 您可使用本産品及服務發表您的觀點看法、資料等,您必須保證:您享有您所上傳內容的合法權利或已獲得合法授權,您使用本産品及服務的任何行爲未侵犯任何第三方之合法權益,由此所産生的任何可能侵害他人權益的行爲,本産品的所有者均不對任何人承擔任何責任。
3. 您同意將您上傳之內容授予本産品團隊全球性、免許可費、非獨家、可完全轉授權、及永久有效的使用權利,本産品團隊可以爲了展示、散布及推廣張貼前述內容之特定目的,將前述內容複制、修改、改寫、改編後用于互聯網增值業務或電信增值業務。
4. 您了解並且同意只要您使用本産品及服務,您將遵守本條款中的權利義務。您對所有在您的注冊名下發生的一切行爲負責。
5. 尊重及保護用戶信息的合法權益是本産品團隊一貫的制度。用戶同意本産品團隊采取以下方式處理用戶信息:
5.1 根據産品功能特點,經過用戶許可,本産品可能收集以下數據:
5.1.1 爲了給用戶提供軟件升級提示服務,會上報用戶手機安裝軟件的相關信息;
5.1.2 爲了給用戶提供智能推薦等功能服務,會上報用戶手機安裝、啓動、卸載軟件的信息。
5.2 用戶對本産品的操作狀態和使用行爲信息等一些明確且客觀反映在本産品服務器端的基本記錄信息和其相關信息,例如:軟件使用情況,軟件升級請求信息等。
5.3 用戶同意本産品基于下列原因需要使用用戶的信息資源:
5.3.1 執行軟件驗證服務;
5.3.2 執行軟件升級服務;
5.3.3 提高用戶的使用安全性並提供客戶支持;
5.3.4 改善或提高軟件的技術和服務,例如,幫助我們了解用戶使用軟件和服務時遇到的問題,幫助我們改善我們軟件和服務的質量、性能和安全性;
5.3.5 在用戶同意的情況下,將根據用戶信息所作出的統計數據、行爲分析等非關聯用戶身份識別的信息提供給合作單位,用于呈現合作效果;
5.3.6 爲用戶發送通知提供的服務信息。
5.4 本産品將會采取合理的措施保護用戶信息,不向第三方公開、透露用戶信息,除以下情形之外:
5.4.1 基于法律或法律賦予權限的政府部門要求;
5.4.2 用戶同意本産品公開、透露用戶信息的;
5.4.3 用戶與本産品及第三方合作單位之間就用戶信息公開或使用另有約定的;
5.5 因用戶使用第三方服務或者設備,可能導致用戶信息通過其他方式透露給第三方,用戶需自行了解第三方對用戶信息保護的相關條款,本産品不承擔由此産生的風險。上述情形包括但不限于:
5.5.1 由于本産品需通過移動運營商提供的網絡向用戶提供服務,運營商可能獲取用戶的部分信息。用戶可查閱移動運營商的用戶信息保護策略了解運營商處理用戶信息的詳情;
5.5.2 用戶在移動設備上使用第三方應用程序。因第三方應用程序收集的用戶信息可能發送至第三方進行處理。
5.6 本産品的某些功能可能會讓第三方知曉用戶的信息。用戶了解此本部分的信息公開和透露可能會給用戶帶來潛在風險,用戶自行承擔由此造成的風險,本産品不爲此承擔責任。
5.7 用戶可以選擇不向本産品提供用戶信息,或者根據産品設置取消本産品收集某些信息。因用戶未向本産品提供信息導致相關服務功能無法實現,本産品不爲此承擔責任。
6. 本産品中可能存在網友提供之內容,您了解並且同意本産品不能爲用戶行爲負責。使用本産品及服務産生的所有風險由您個人承擔,本産品團隊不對本産品及服務的適用性、合法性、安全性、無毒性做任何形式的保證。如果您發現本産品及服務中存在任何違法違規行爲,有義務及時向本産品團隊舉報。
7. 用戶不得利用本産品及服務進行故意制作、傳播計算機病毒等破壞性程序,不得針對本服務、與本産品及服務連接的服務器或網絡制造幹擾、混亂,或違反連接本産品及服務的網絡的任何要求、程序、政策或規則,否則本産品團隊將保留追究其法律責任的權利並有權將其提交給相關部門處理。
8. 用戶不得利用本産品及服務傳播、複制、發送、上傳和發布任何妨礙社會治安或非法、虛假、騷擾性、侮辱性、恐嚇性、傷害性、破壞性、挑釁性、淫穢色情性等內容的信息。
9. 用戶依本協議條款所取得的服務權利不可轉讓。
10. 如用戶違反國家法律法規或本協議條款,本公司和合作公司將有權停止向用戶提供服務而不需承擔任何責任。如導致本産品團隊或其合作公司遭受任何損害或遭受任何來自第三方的糾紛、訴訟、索賠要求等,用戶須向本公司或合作公司賠償相應的損失,用戶並需對其違反服務條款所産生的一切後果負全部法律責任。本産品團隊有權認定和刪除用戶所發表的任何不符合國家法律、法規和政策、本服務條款的任何文章、資料、圖片、圖表等內容,且不需要對用戶另行通知。
11. 本産品團隊保留在任何時候因爲任何原因拒絕向任何人提供服務的權利。
12. 用戶須遵守包括但不限于以下嚴禁事宜:
12.1 利用本産品及服務傳播反對憲法所確定的基本原則的內容;
12.2 利用本産品及服務傳播危害國家安全,泄露國家秘密,顛覆國家政權,破壞國家統一的內容;
12.3 利用本産品及服務傳播損害國家榮譽和利益的內容;
12.4 利用本産品及服務傳播煽動民族仇恨、民族歧視,破壞民族團結的內容;
12.5 利用本産品及服務傳播破壞國家宗教政策,宣揚邪教和封建迷信的內容;
12.6 利用本産品及服務散布謠言,擾亂社會秩序,破壞社會穩定的內容;
12.7 利用本産品及服務散布淫穢、色情、賭博、暴力、凶殺、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的內容;
12.8 利用本産品及服務傳播侮辱或者誹謗他人,侵害他人合法權益的內容;
12.9 利用本産品及服務傳播含有法律、行政法規禁止的其他內容;
12.10 利用本産品及服務上傳任何病毒,木馬,或者蠕蟲等危害網絡健康的內容;
12.11 制作、發布、傳播用于竊取用戶專屬信息、財産、保密信息的軟件;
12.12 在未經本産品團隊書面明確授權前提下,出售、出租、出借、散布、轉移或轉授權軟件和服務或相關的鏈接或從使用軟件和服務或軟件和服務的條款中獲利,無論以上使用是否爲直接經濟或金錢收益;
12.13 其他以任何不合法的方式、爲任何不合法的目的、或以任何與本協議不一致的方式使用本産品和和本産品團隊提供的其他服務;
13. 如因用戶不遵守本條上述任意一款或者幾款的規定,本産品團隊有權在不事先通知用戶的情況下將相應的內容刪除或采取終止、完全或部分中止、限制用戶帳號的使用功能或停止用戶使用本産品或服務,由此而造成的任何用戶損失,由用戶自行承擔;如造成本産品團隊損失的,本産品團隊有權要求用戶給予相應的賠償,包括但不限于本産品團隊因此被國家機關予以行政處罰,或者被第三方通過訴訟或其他的方式索賠,賠償範圍包括但不限于罰款、賠償金以及本産品團隊支付的相應的訴訟費、律師費。
18. 用戶使用的照片的形象全爲用戶上傳,且均爲原創,使用用戶需對本個人形象內容傳播的安全性負責。
五. 服務風險及免責聲明
1. 本産品及服務僅依其當前所呈現的狀況提供,本産品及服務涉及到互聯網及移動通訊等服務,可能會受到各個環節不穩定因素的影響。因此軟件及服務存在因上述不可抗力、計算機病毒或黑客攻擊、系統不穩定、用戶所在位置、用戶關機、GSM等移動網絡、互聯網絡、通信線路原因等造成的服務中斷或不能滿足用戶要求的風險。使用本産品及服務的用戶須承擔以上風險,本産品團隊對服務的及時性、安全性、准確性不作擔保。
2. 如本公司的系統發生故障而影響到本服務的正常運行,本公司承諾在最短時間內與相關單位配合,及時處理進行修複。但用戶因此而産生的經濟損失,本公司和合作公司不承擔責任。此外,本産品團隊保留不經事先通知爲維修保養、升級或其他目的暫停本服務任何部分的權利。
3. 用戶在使用本産品及服務時,須自行承擔如下包括但不限于來自本産品團隊不可掌控的風險內容:
3.1 由于無線網絡信號不穩定、無線網絡帶寬小等原因,所引起的頁面打開速度慢、軟件下載速度慢等風險。
3.2 用戶必須選擇與所安裝電腦操作系統及手機操作系統相匹配的本産品産品版本,否則,由于軟件與終端設備不相匹配所導致的任何軟件問題、終端問題或損害,均由用戶自行承擔。
3.3 用戶終端隱私信息在不正當使用本産品及服務時可能産生的信息安全風險。
3.4 用戶在使用本産品訪問第三方網站或第三方軟件時遇到內容質量及安全問題等,均由用戶自行承擔。
3.5 本産品中可能存在來自第三方的軟件或信息內容,該部分內容由內容提供方承擔相關全部責任,本産品團隊不保證其安全性、准確性、有效性及其他不確定的風險,由此若引發的任何爭議及損害,與本産品團隊無關,本産品團隊不承擔任何責任。
3.6 卸載系統程序可能會引起系統的不穩定。
3.7 卸載系統程序後可能會引起其他程序運行異常。
3.8 刪除系統文件可能會引起系統或其他應用程序運行異常。
3.9 部分應用程序的應用數據還原可能會引起該應用程序異常。
3.10 手機ROOT或刷機後可能會被其他惡意軟件或病毒程序利用,使得失去系統自有權限限制所帶來的安全保護。
4. 用戶須明白,在使用本産品産品存在有來自任何他人的包括威脅性的、誹謗性的、令人反感的或非法的內容或行爲或對他人權利的侵犯(包括知識産權)的匿名或冒名的信息的風險,用戶須承擔以上風險,本公司和合作公司對服務不作任何類型的擔保,不論是明確的或隱含的,包括所有有關信息真實性、適商性、適于某一特定用途、所有權和非侵權性的默示擔保和條件,對因此導致任何因用戶不正當或非法使用服務産生的直接、間接、偶然、特殊及後續的損害,不承擔任何責任。
6. 非經本産品團隊或本産品團隊授權開發並正式發布的其它任何由本産品衍生的軟件均屬非法,下載、安裝、使用此類軟件,將可能導致不可預知的風險,由此産生的一切法律責任與糾紛一概與本産品團隊無關。
7. 本産品團隊在此特別提醒:
7.1 使用本産品必須遵守國家有關法律和政策等,維護國家利益,保護國家安全,並遵守本《協議》。對于用戶違法或違反本《協議》的使用而引起的一切責任,由用戶負全部責任,一概與本産品團隊及合作單位無關;導致本産品團隊及合作單位損失的,本産品團隊及合作單位有權要求用戶賠償,並有權保留相關記錄。而且,對于用戶違法或違反本《協議》以及違反了利用本産品和帳號訪問的本産品團隊或合作單位的其他服務規定的相關服務條款,本産品團隊有權視用戶的行爲性質,在不事先通知用戶的情況下,采取包括但不限于中斷使用許可、停止提供服務、限制使用、回收用戶帳號、法律追究等措施。對利用帳號進行違法活動、騷擾、欺騙其他用戶等行爲,本産品團隊有權回收其帳號。由此帶來的包括並不限于用戶通信中斷、用戶資料、郵件和遊戲道具丟失等損失由用戶自行承擔。
7.2 非經本産品團隊或本産品團隊授權開發並正式發布的其它任何由本産品衍生的軟件均屬非法,下載、安裝、使用此類軟件,將可能導致不可預知的風險,由此産生的一切法律責任與糾紛一概與本産品團隊無關。用戶不得輕易下載、安裝、使用此類軟件,否則,本産品團隊有權在不事先通知用戶的情況下單方面終止用戶帳號的使用資格。
六. 服務及協議條款的變更
七. 爭議管轄及適用法律
1. Special Notices
This MADOU LIVE User Agreement (this “Agreement”) governs your usage of our services, (hereinafter, “Services”) including MADOU LIVE App, a video streaming application and social network developed by us. You are one party and the other party is Hong Kong Yabo Interactive Technology Co.,Ltd. or one of its affiliates (“we” or “MADOU LIVE”), a company with its registered address at RM 1005, 10/F HO KING COMM CTR, 2-16 FA YUEN ST MONGKOK, KL, HK. For the purposes of this Agreement, you and MADOU LIVE will be jointly referred to as the “Parties” and respectively as a “Party”.
When using the Services, you will be subject to MADOU LIVE’s Privacy Policy, MADOU LIVE’s Community Conventions, Broadcaster Agreement and you be subject to additional guidelines or rules that are posted on the Services or made available to you, or applicable to specific services and features that are disclosed to you in connection with such services. We may also offer certain paid services, which are subject to any additional terms or conditions that are disclosed to you in connection with such services.
By using our Services, or by clicking on "Sign Up" during the registration process, you agree to all terms of this Agreement. We, at our sole discretion, may revise this Agreement from time to time, and the current version will be found at the following link: About us>User Agreement. By continuing to avail our Services, you agree to be bound by the revised Agreement.
You may only use our Service if you are 18 years or older, and if you are not subject to statutory age limit to enter into this Agreement according to the applicable laws and regulations in your country. If you are below the aforementioned minimum age, you may only use MADOU LIVE if your guardian has provided us with valid consent for you to use MADOU LIVE. You may not falsely claim you have reached the minimum age.
You shall be solely responsible for the safekeeping of your MADOU LIVE account and password. All behaviors and activities conducted through your MADOU LIVE account will be deemed as your behaviors and activities for which you shall be solely responsible.
We do not accept payments or do business with individuals or entities in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and the Crimean region. If you are from such regions, you may be prohibited from using the Services.
2. Services Content
Our mission is to give people the power to build community, connect the world and share their beautiful moments. To help advance this mission with a vision to be a content platform inspiring one billion people's lives, we provide the services described below to you:
i. User Generated Content.
MADOU LIVE allows users to distribute streaming live, use services, such as chat, bulletin boards, forum postings, voice interactive services, and to participate in other activities in which you may create, post, transmit, perform, or store content, messages, text, sound, images, applications, code or other data or materials on the Services (“User Content”). Users of the Services may also overlay music, graphics, stickers, virtual items and other features provided by MADOU LIVE (“MADOU LIVE Features”) onto this User Content and transmit this User Content through the Services. The views expressed by other users on the Services (including through use of the virtual gifts) do not represent our views or values.
ii. Help you discover content, products, and services that may interest you.
We show you ads, offers, and other sponsored content to help you discover content, products, and services that are offered by the many businesses and organizations that use MADOU LIVE.
iii. Combat harmful conduct and protect and support our community.
We employ dedicated teams around the world and develop advanced technical systems to detect misuse of our Services, harmful conduct towards others, and situations where we may be able to help support or protect our community. If we learn of content or conduct like this, we will take appropriate action - for example, offering help, removing content, removing or restricting access to certain features, disabling an account, or contacting law enforcement.
iv. Global access to our Services
To operate our global service, we need to store and distribute content and data in our data centers and systems around the world, including outside your country of residence. This infrastructure may be operated or controlled by Hong Kong Yabo Interactive Technology Co.,Ltd. and its affiliates.
3. Account
In order to open an account, you will be asked to provide us with certain information such as an account name and password.
You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password, for restricting access to your computer, and for all activities that occur under your account or password. Please make sure the information you provide to MADOU LIVE upon registration and at all other times is true, accurate, current, and complete to the best of your knowledge.
We may permit you to register for and log on to the Services via certain third party services. The third party’s collection, use and disclosure of your information will be subject to that third party service’s privacy policy. Further information about how MADOU LIVE collects, uses and discloses your personal information when you link your MADOU LIVE account and with your account on any third party service can be found in our Privacy Policy.
We reserve the right to disable your user account at any time, including if you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these terms, or if activities occur on your account which, in our sole discretion, would or might cause damage to or impair the Services or infringe or violate any third party rights, or violate any applicable laws or regulations.
If you no longer want to use our Services again, and would like your account deleted, we can take care of this for you. Please contact us via cartjyq@gmail.com, and we will provide you with further assistance and guide you through the process. Once you choose to delete your account, you will not be able to reactivate your account or retrieve any of the content or information you have added.
4. Privacy
Your privacy is important to MADOU LIVE. Please see our Privacy Policy for information relating to how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information, and how you can manage your online privacy when you use the Services.
5. Use of the Services
Your access to and use of the Services is subject to these terms and all applicable laws and regulations. You agree that you will comply with these terms of Services and MADOU LIVE’s Community Guidelines and will not:
i. create, upload, transmit, distribute, or store any content that is inaccurate, unlawful, infringing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, harassing, threatening, abusive, inflammatory, or otherwise objectionable;
ii. impersonate any person or entity, falsely claim an affiliation with any person or entity, or access MADOU LIVE accounts of others without permission, forge another person’s identity, or content of information transmitted via the Services, or perform any other similar fraudulent activity;
iii. defame, harass, abuse, threaten or defraud users of MADOU LIVE, or collect, or attempt to collect, personal information about users or third parties without their consent;
iv. remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the the Services or User Content, features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content accessible through the Services, features that enforce limitations on the use of the Services or User Content, or delete the copyright or other proprietary rights notices on the Services or User Content;
v. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Services or any part thereof, except and only to the extent that this activity is expressly permitted by the law of your jurisdiction of residence;
vi. modify, adapt, translate or create derivative works based upon the Services or any part thereof, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation;
vii. nterfere with or damage operation of the Services or any user’s enjoyment of them, by any means, including uploading or otherwise disseminating viruses, adware, spyware, worms, or other malicious code;
viii. manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any User Content transmitted through the Twitch Services;
ix. interfere with or disrupt the Services or servers or networks connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Services; use the Services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect or inhibit other users from fully enjoying the Services, or that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the functioning of the Services in any manner;
x. attempt to circumvent any content filtering techniques we employ, or attempt to access any service or area of the Services that you are not authorized to access;
xi. use the Services for any illegal purpose, or in violation of any local, state, national, or international law or regulation, including, without limitation, laws governing intellectual property and other proprietary rights, data protection and privacy.
MADOU LIVE takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any User Content or for any loss or damage resulting therefrom, nor is MADOU LIVE liable for any mistakes, defamation, slander, libel, omissions, falsehoods, obscenity, pornography or profanity you may encounter when using the Services. Your use of the Services is at your own risk. In addition, these rules do not create any private right of action on the part of any third party or any reasonable expectation that the Services will not contain any content that is prohibited by such rules.
MADOU LIVE is not liable for any statements or representations included in User Content. MADOU LIVE does not endorse any User Content, opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and MADOU LIVE expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with User Content. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, MADOU LIVE reserves the right to remove, screen or edit any User Content posted or stored on the Services at any time and without notice, including where such User Content violates these terms of Use of the Services or applicable law, and you are solely responsible for creating backup copies of and replacing any User Content you post or store on the Services at your sole cost and expense. Any use of the Services in violation of the foregoing violates these terms of Use of the Services and may result in, among other things, termination or suspension of your rights to use the Services.
6. Virtual Items
You can only buy virtual gems (“GEMs”) and virtual gifts (Gifits), send Gifts to others, receive Gifts with monetary value, earn virtual FIREs (“FIREs”) and withdraw FIREs if you are aged 18 (or age of majority in your jurisdiction) or older.
The price of the GEMs will be displayed at the point of purchase. All charges and payments for GEMs will be made in the currency specified at the point of purchase through the relevant payment mechanism. Currency exchange settlements, foreign transaction fees and payment channel fees, if any, are based on your agreement with the applicable payment provider.
You will be responsible for the payment of any GEMs purchased by you. Once your purchase has been completed, your user account will be credited with GEMs. GEMs can be used to purchase Gifts. GEMs cannot be exchanged for cash, or legal tender, or currency of any state, region, or any political entity, or any other form of credit. GEMs can only be used on MADOU LIVE and as part of our Services, and cannot be combined or used in conjunction with other promotions, coupons, discounts or special offers, except those designated by us.
Except as otherwise set out in this Agreement, all sales of GEMs and Gifts are final, and we do not offer refunds for any purchased GEMs and Gifts. GEMs and Gifts cannot be converted into or exchanged for cash, or be refunded or reimbursed by us for any reason.
7. Payment Terms
We accept major credit cards, certain debit cards and/or such other payment methods we may make available to you from time-to-time through our site, as forms of payment. You are subject to all terms and conditions of the payment method you choose. By submitting an order through the Service, you authorize us, or our designated payment processor, to charge the account you specify for the purchase amount. All payments are to be made in United States Dollars, except where other currencies are offered via the payment methods made available by MADOU LIVE.
Our payment processing partners may request that you provide certain personal data (e.g., a valid government issued ID, your legal name, address, and date of birth) for the purpose of making payment through its financial institutions and complying with applicable international, national, federal, state, and local laws and regulations. They may also communicate directly with you regarding any issues with a payment.
If a purchase has been declined online due to issues with your payment method, please ensure all data is correct and resubmit. If the transaction is not accepted online, please contact customer support via the email address made available to you in connection with the purchase. For purchases on the Service, you may contact cartjyq@gmail.com.
8. Intellectual Property Rights
All text, data, images, graphics, audio and/or video information and other materials within the Services provided by MADOU LIVE are property of MADOU LIVE are protected by copyright, trademark and/or other property rights laws. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring any license of any intellectual property rights or such materials by MADOU LIVE to you.
By using and/or uploading any live stream content or other content through a MADOU LIVE Services to publicly accessible areas of MADOU LIVE website, you grant to MADOU LIVE and its sub-licensees the permission, free, permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sub-licensable rights and license, without any territorial or time limitations and without requiring any approvals and/or compensations, to use, copy, modify, adapt, publish, translate, edit, dispose, create derivate works of, distribute, perform and publicly display such content (in whole or in part), and/or incorporate such content into existing or future forms of work, media or technology.
9. Terminating Services
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, MADOU LIVE reserves the right, without notice and in our sole discretion, to terminate your license to use the Services (including to post User Content), and to block or prevent your future access to and use of the Services, including where we reasonably consider that: (a) your use of the Services violates this Agreement or applicable law; (b) you fraudulently use or misuse the Services; or (c) we are unable to continue providing the Services to you due to technical or legitimate business reasons. This includes the ability to terminate or to suspend your access to any purchased products or services. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, your only remedy with respect to any dissatisfaction with (i) the Services, (ii) any term of these terms of Services, (iii) any policy or practice of MADOU LIVE in operating the Services, or (iv) any content or information transmitted through the Services, is to terminate your account and to discontinue use of any and all parts of the Services.
10. Disclaimers
You shall be fully responsible for any risks involved in using MADOU LIVE Services. Any use or reliance on MADOU LIVE Services will be at your own risk.
Under no circumstance does MADOU LIVE guarantee that the Services will satisfy your requirements, or guarantee that the Services will be uninterrupted. The timeliness, security and accuracy of the Services are also not guaranteed. You acknowledge and agree that the Services is provided by MADOU LIVE on an “as is” basis. MADOU LIVE make no representations or warranties of any kind express or implied as to the operation and the providing of such Services or any part thereof. MADOU LIVE shall not be liable in any way for the quality, timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the Services and shall not be responsible for any consequences which may arise from your use of such Services.
MADOU LIVE does not guarantee the accuracy and integrity of any external links that may be accessible by using the Services and/or any external links that have been placed for the convenience of you. MADOU LIVE shall not be responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, and MADOU LIVE shall not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage in connection with the use of the Services by you. Moreover, MADOU LIVE shall not bear any responsibility for the content of any webpage that you are directed via an external link that is not under the control of MADOU LIVE.
MADOU LIVE shall not bear any liability for the interruption of or other inadequacies in the Services caused by circumstances of force majeure, or that are otherwise beyond the control of MADOU LIVE. However, as far as possible, MADOU LIVE shall reasonably attempt to minimize the resulting losses of and impact upon you.
11. Legal Jurisdiction
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of HONG KONG, without regard to choice of law principles. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the HONG KONG International Arbitration Centre in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the HONG KONG International Arbitration Centre for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be HONG KONG. The language of the arbitration shall be English.
12. Request for information
All requests for information or documents related to potential, anticipated or current legal proceedings, investigations or disputes, or for third party user information, from any MADOU LIVE Services must be made using the appropriate level of legal process, and must be properly served on MADOU LIVE via Hong Kong Yabo Interactive Technology Co.,Ltd.
13. Modification of the Agreement
We amend these terms of the Agreement from time to time, for instance when we update the functionality of our Services, when we combine multiple apps or services operated by us or our affiliates into a single combined service or app, or when there are regulatory changes. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to generally notify all users of any material changes to these terms, such as through a notice on MADOU LIVE platform. However, you should look at the Agreement regularly to check for such changes. Your continued access or use of the Services after the date of the new terms constitutes your acceptance of the new terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, you must stop accessing or using the Services.
14. Other Terms
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of agreed items and other relevant matters between both parties. Other than as stipulated by this Agreement, no other rights are vested in either Party to this Agreement.
If any provision of this Agreement is rendered void or unenforceable by competent authorities, in whole or in part, for any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding.
The headings within this Agreement have been set for the sake of convenience, and shall be disregarded in the interpretation of this Agreement.